Q.1 Create an HTML document with the following formatting
I. Bold
II. Italics
III. Underline
IV. Headings (Using H1 to H6 heading styles)
V. Font (Type, Size and Color)
VI. Background (Colored background/Image in background)
VII. Paragraph
VIII. Line Break
IX. Horizontal Rule
X. Pre tag
Q.2 Create an HTML document which consists of:
I. Ordered List
II. Unordered List
III. Nested List
IV. Image56
Q.3 Create an HTML document which implements Internal
linking as well as External linking.
Some image here
Create Form with Input Type, Select and Text Area in HTML.
Roll No.
Create an HTML containing Roll No., student‘s name and Grades in a tabular
Create an HTML document (having two frames) which will appear as follows:
Department 1
Department 2
Department 3
This frame would show the contents according to the
link clicked by the user on the left frame.
Create an HTML document containing horizontal frames as follows:
Names (could be along with Logos)
Contents according to the Link clicked
Create a website of 6 – 7 pages with different effects as mentioned in above
9. Create HTML documents (having multiple frames) in the
following three formats:
Create a form using HTML which has the following types of controls:
Text Box
Option/radio buttons
Check boxes
VIII. Reset and Submit buttons
Software Lab Based on PHP:
1. Create a PHP page using functions for comparing three
integers and print the largest number.
2. Write a function to calculate the factorial of a
number (non-negative integer). The function accept the number as an argument.
3. WAP to check whether the given number is prime or not.
4. Create a PHP page which accepts string from user.
After submission that page displays the reverse of provided string.
5. Write a PHP function that checks if a string is all
lower case.
6. Write a PHP script that checks whether a passed string
is palindrome or not? ( A palindrome is word, phrase, or sequence that reads
the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run)
7. WAP to sort an array.
8. Write a PHP script that removes the whitespaces from a
Sample string : 'The quick " " brown fox'
Expected Output : Thequick""brownfox
9. Write a PHP script that finds out the sum of first n
odd numbers.
10. Create a login page having user name and password. On
clicking submit, a welcome message should be displayed if the user is already
registered (i.e.name is present in the database) otherwise error message should
be displayed.
11. Write a PHP script that checks if a string contains
another string.
12. Create a simple 'birthday countdown' script, the
script will count the number of days between current day and birth day.
13. Create a script to construct the following pattern,
using nested for loop.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
14. Write a simple PHP program to check that emails are
15. WAP to print first n even numbers.
16. $color = array('white', 'green', 'red'')
Write a PHP script which will display the colors in the
following way : Output :
white, green, red,
•green • red
• white
17. Using switch case and dropdown list display a ―Hello‖
message depending on the language selected in drop down list.
18. Write a PHP program to print Fibonacci series using
19. Write a PHP script to replace the first 'the' of the
following string with 'That'.
Sample : 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
Result: That quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
structural setup: response.write;
retrieving from forms; retrieving from querystring; variables; control
constructs; subroutines and functions; session state; application variables;
server variables; debugging, reading and writing cookies; server-side includes;
response object methods; VBScript functions; error handling; debugging, browser
details; CDONTS; files; output from a recordset; global.asa; setup instructions
for using IIS and ASP. Flash 3 Create Flash movies of moving and interactive
of Practicals using Javascript :
event driven program for following:
Print a table of numbers from 5 to 15 and their squares and cubes using alert.
Print the largest of three numbers.
9. Find the factorial of a number n.
10. Enter a list of positive numbers terminated by Zero.
Find the sum and average of these numbers.
11. A person deposits Rs 1000 in a fixed account yielding
5% interest. Compute the amount in the account at the end of each year for n
12. Read n numbers. Count the number of negative numbers,
positive numbers and zeros in the list.